Friday, December 7, 2012

Still Itching...

A few weeks had passed and Aurora hasn't had any alternate life dreams.  She still wakes up everyday in her Riverview Road home.  Things once again seem to be completely normal except for these weird feelings and random images she gets from time to time when she passes certain places in Riverview.  Aurora keeps brushing it off again, just telling herself it's some weird deja vu dream thing.  However even with that thinking, it was still nagging at her.  So against her better judgement she decided to tell her best friend Shirley all about it.  She knew Shirley would probably think she was crazy, but she needed another person's perspective.  So the next day Shirley had invited Aurora to hang out with her at The Gazebo and she decided to tell her all about it.

Upon meeting Shirley at the park, Aurora told her everything.  Surprisingly Shirley wasn't too judgmental and actually listened with minimal "are you serious" looks.  Actually she offered Aurora some decent advice.
"Okay, not that I believe in alternate reality stuff.   But Aurora if that did happen, well it's over.  For some reason the 'powers that be' didn't want that for you and made you come back here.  So what's done is done and you need to move on."  Shirley said trying to be sympathetic and stern.
"I get that, but why?  I mean if I was happy like it seemed, then why take it away.  Why bring me back here, to a place that I am struggling and alone.?" Answered Aurora.
"Ugh.  I don't know.  That's why it was just a dream.  I mean i'm a neurosurgeon not a psychic, so that's just my guess.  However I think they would even say that.  Think about it, you had everything you dreamed of.  A loving husband, children, a beautiful house.  I mean I think that you just acted out all your fantasies in one night and that's it.  Sometimes realty nags at you and you just need that alternate escape for the night."
"I know, you are probably right."  Aurora replied shaking her head and feeling slightly defeated.  "Actually I hope you are right.  It would be sad to think I had all that, for it only to be taken away."
"Yeah exactly.  But don't make it so dismal.  I mean here is another thing to think about.  You now have all that to look forward too.  I mean maybe Mr. Right and that dream house are ahead.  There still is that ridiculously over priced huge empty lot for sale on Riverblossom Hills Drive.  Your dream mansion can actually end up going there, like it did in your fantasy"  "Oh or here is another thought maybe it was like a weird glimpse into the future.  I mean what happened to me?"  Shirley said with a slight giggle.
"Oh my, don't even start adding ideas.  Hey, I thought you were my scientific perspective, the reality check.  Now you are talking about seeing the future."  Shirley looked at Aurora with this smug whatever face.  So Aurora just continued ignoring her, "Well anyway to answer your question, sorry to say you ended up never marrying."  Shirley now gave her quite the grave look.  "Well I woke up before it finished who know what would have happened, right?"  said Aurora trying not to laugh.
 Shirley quickly changed her expression into a smirk.  "Well that seems about right.  Maybe you did see the future.  Ouch scary."  The two of them burst into hysterical laughter.  Aurora was happy Shirley  brought a little lightness back into it.  She was afraid Shirley would be too cynical like she can be a lot, since well her love life track record was actually worse than Aurora's.
"Thanks Shirley, I think I see things better now."  Well at least Aurora was trying to convince herself of this.
"No problem.  Anyway Danny is back there, lets see if he wants to be bothered."  Said Shirley as she grabbed Aurora's arm and pulled her towards their friend Danny.

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